The silence consumes and I fall,
On my knees, my spine withdrawn,
My eyes lead-plated with broken lights,
And the tears erase the lines I had drawn.
My eyes lead-plated with broken lights,
And the tears erase the lines I had drawn.
I keep losing the sight of the shore I knew once,
The resonance of the river the only sound,
That keeps me awake when the sun has set,
And my destination is nebulously profound.
The resonance of the river the only sound,
That keeps me awake when the sun has set,
And my destination is nebulously profound.
I trust those who scintillate like gems,
Those who can pierce my shattered eyes,
Those who preach a purpose multi-folded,
And for that blind belief I forever rise.
Those who can pierce my shattered eyes,
Those who preach a purpose multi-folded,
And for that blind belief I forever rise.
A morbid vulture perch’d upon a morbid tree,
Is ever so kind, for he keeps me alive,
His composed gaze awaits my corpse,
And that’s heavenly incentive to strive!
Is ever so kind, for he keeps me alive,
His composed gaze awaits my corpse,
And that’s heavenly incentive to strive!
All around me the world is waiting,
Ever so, with a transcendent poise,
Patience is a virtue of Gods and heroes alone,
I am not patient, I am without any choice.
Ever so, with a transcendent poise,
Patience is a virtue of Gods and heroes alone,
I am not patient, I am without any choice.
But I am uncomplaining, enduring,
Even in the most chiding thunderclaps,
For the river I left behind still gurgles,
Its crystal song lifts me when I collapse.
The sky was never black, only abstained,
From the spontaneity of Helios’ fine sunshine,
The clouds were never tufts of metallic rage,
They are the same cotton giants redefined.
Even in the most chiding thunderclaps,
For the river I left behind still gurgles,
Its crystal song lifts me when I collapse.
The sky was never black, only abstained,
From the spontaneity of Helios’ fine sunshine,
The clouds were never tufts of metallic rage,
They are the same cotton giants redefined.
For every water droplet that adorns sky’s brooch,
Is a drop borrowed from the watery expanse,
Every loan tethered to its unconquered realm,
Is a debt that will flow in smooth romance.
Is a drop borrowed from the watery expanse,
Every loan tethered to its unconquered realm,
Is a debt that will flow in smooth romance.
It’s a tale too well engraved within my soul,
And it’s a moral that shall abide its own law,
Many a tempest my bared chest has witnessed,
And every unforgiving frost must thaw.
And it’s a moral that shall abide its own law,
Many a tempest my bared chest has witnessed,
And every unforgiving frost must thaw.
These times do not melt to caricatures of God,
And they don’t soften to Love’s noble larks,
Integrity alone can salvage me from this tempest,
For the ghouls shall vanish when Time barks!
And they don’t soften to Love’s noble larks,
Integrity alone can salvage me from this tempest,
For the ghouls shall vanish when Time barks!
And I can only wait, for I have Hope,
Hidden in some beautiful leaf of my tome,
The cover dilapidates, the essence grows musty,
And the pain froths into chronicles like foam.
Hidden in some beautiful leaf of my tome,
The cover dilapidates, the essence grows musty,
And the pain froths into chronicles like foam.
My today leaks into my veins and condenses,
And my eyes slowly dull and grow cold,
I am the very Oracle that writes my Fate,
And to write on, I grow old.
And my eyes slowly dull and grow cold,
I am the very Oracle that writes my Fate,
And to write on, I grow old.
Image Source: Ilir Pojani
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