I don't like shopping;
Be a dear, fetch these for me?
My house is empty,
And I'd appreciate some help:
Be a dear, fetch these for me?
My house is empty,
And I'd appreciate some help:
A litre of double-toned milk,
Half a kilo of red cabbage,
Two tins of juicy rasgullas,
And a cannister of passion.
Half a kilo of red cabbage,
Two tins of juicy rasgullas,
And a cannister of passion.
Ten ears of baby corn,
Hundred grams of mango pickle,
The cheapest box of oolong tea,
And a sackful of compassion.
Hundred grams of mango pickle,
The cheapest box of oolong tea,
And a sackful of compassion.
Half a heart to replace losses,
A chestful of peppered courage,
A party of ripe lemons,
And ten slices of salted dreams.
A chestful of peppered courage,
A party of ripe lemons,
And ten slices of salted dreams.
Four paper bags of kisses I owe,
A bowl of wet misadventures,
A couple of floral pillowcases,
And a modest heap of sunshine.
A bowl of wet misadventures,
A couple of floral pillowcases,
And a modest heap of sunshine.
A hand of unripe bananas,
Twenty slabs of cold patience,
Half a dozen jokes for emergencies,
And two bottles of fizzy love.
Twenty slabs of cold patience,
Half a dozen jokes for emergencies,
And two bottles of fizzy love.
A handbook on writing letters,
The scrapbook I forgot to keep,
A roll of polaroid memories,
And a cut of gift-wrapping paper.
The scrapbook I forgot to keep,
A roll of polaroid memories,
And a cut of gift-wrapping paper.
Run along then, dear,
Before the vendors stock out,
My home is empty,
And I'd appreciate some help.
Before the vendors stock out,
My home is empty,
And I'd appreciate some help.
Image Source: Tadeusz Deręgowski
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